high-pressure salesman

Roofing Scams to Avoid: High-Pressure Sales

Even though a new roof is a major purchase, most homeowners likely only have to do it once or twice in their lifetime. So, it’s tough to have a point of reference or a lot of experience in making decisions about a roof. That’s why it can be easy to be persuaded by someone who seems knowledgeable and professional. And shady roofers can take advantage of this with high-pressure sales tactics.

A high-pressure salesperson may be canvassing your neighborhood, showing up at your door out of the blue. But they could also be a contractor which whom you scheduled an appointment. Usually, they will try and persuade you with a special deal that expires that day or an exceptionally low rate. And they will always pressure you to sign a contract on the spot.

When you show resistance to this tactic, that’s when the scam comes into play. The salesperson will make dishonest claims or misleading statements. They will say just about anything to try and get you to sign a legally binding contract before they leave your house.

Roofing companies that typically use this tactic are companies that charge a higher rate or have negative online reviews, so they don’t want to allow you the time to do your research. It’s possible that the roof you purchase from a high-pressure sales company will be perfectly fine in the end. But it’s also likely that you will be paying more than you should, or you will have a terrible customer experience.

How to Avoid High-Pressure Roofing Salespeople

  1. Be wary of anyone who shows up at your door unannounced to sell you a new roof. Let the salesperson know you will need to take the time to research their company before you make any decisions.
  2. Think twice before signing a contract on the spot. A trustworthy and comprehensive roofer will take time to calculate every aspect of your roof, such as whether the decking needs to be replaced, the slope, materials, and ventilation requirements, and come back with a unique scope of work.
  3. Trust your gut. If you feel uncomfortable, ask the salesperson to leave. A salesperson relying on high-pressure tactics knows that their chance of closing the sale is lowered significantly as soon as they walk out the door. So, they will try and stay as long as possible. But at the end of the day, it’s your home and solely your decision.

Are you looking for a vetted roofing company that doesn’t use high-pressure sales tactics? Get matched with a trustworthy roofer near you!

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